Thursday, June 7, 2007

Flying home

It started out with a little delay even before we left the gate. We were even later before we got into the air. Since the weather was bad in Chicago the flight took longer than it was supposed to. When we landed Shannon was waiting with Max, Marge and Marty. She had also brought us Chicago style hot dog from Super Dawg. We really needed to get something to eat and it was good.
Our flight from Chicago to London was late and we had to get a later flight from Heathrow. This made us kind of late for our train.
When we arrived at the station we had about 3 minutes to get to the train and we started running. At the first board I saw that the train was really far away but I also saw that it was about 45 minutes late. This was the first delay that we where glad for, since we had time to buy some food for the ride.
We got home OK, even if it was a bit late. The entire trip had taken about 36 hours.

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