Thursday, May 24, 2007


Yesterday was the day of walking, but it ended with us going to AT&T stadium to watch a baseball game. The problem was that it was a lot colder than we expected which made us not watch it until the end. Today we are going to walk around in the shopping district and see what we can get, and later we are going to the bachelor/-ett party. That is going to be a really nice experience since we haven't tried that before.

There are some difficulties updating hourly since we have only found one internet cafe in SF.


Anonymous said...

Hej på er. Vi följer er i spåren. Johan skall åka till Kalmar imorgon till en kompis. Nästa vecka skall han på en intervju i Göteborg för en av de utbildningar som han har sökt. Han skall till Malmö en vecka senare.
Pappa har spelat golf ikväll och blev tvåa så han är ganska nöjd.
Kramar G

Anonymous said...

WHAT?!! Only one internet café? that's soooo lame! Then I understand that we can't get an hourly repport, but it would be nice... If one of you stay at the café and the other one walks around you can keep contact with your phones and THEN we can get hourly reports, every 10 minutes even, sweet.
Hope you'll have fun on the parties. you can report that when you get home =). We saw Spiderman 3 it was ok, not as bad as everyone says.. well that's all, take care. Waiting untill the next report!

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